Sunday, March 11, 2007

Dear Friends and Family,

Thanks for your support thus far.

I will not update this site any longer. I am migrating to a different editor. It is still free. So, feel free to pay me a visit. Sorry for the inconveniences.

Here is the new webaddress for my blog:


Anonymous said...

I was at Yummy Dummies site and came over to say hello since you have a kitchen-themed(that means food) blog as well.

ilene said...

Hi Lee Ping,
I hop over from Wonda and found your site to be very helpful in that it has recipes! I enjoy collecting recipes but very seldom do I find the mood and time to try them out but I do hope to try some of your recipes one of these days. I hope you don't mind coz I've linked you up as well as Lily Ng - I hope she doesn't mind too!

Lee Ping said...

Dear Ilene,

Wonda's friend, it is my honor to be linked. Since I have migrated to WordPress. And I am adding new recipes almost daily, you may want to link me over there. said...

very nice macro sht, great colours

wHOisBaBy said...

hi leeping,
came here through harimau's blog. i am also a malaysian living in USA, Los Angeles to be specific. so which part of USA are you located?

Lee Ping said...

Dear wHOisBaBy,

I am located in Portland, Oregon. Welcome to my blog.

Ng Mummy said...

Hi Leeping

This is ngmummy. Saw your encouraging words on my blog. Thanks. God is faithful but many times as a mother we are weak but thank God that He make us strong.

Keep in touch! Take care!